Lancaster’s finest cigar lounge located downtown lancaster PA

Lancaster Cigar Bar carrying a world-class selection of premium handmade cigars!

Lancaster Cigar Bar also boasts a towering library of coveted whiskeys. Our collection spans the globe & spares no expense!

Lancaster Cigar Bar & Lounge Located Downtown Lancaster PA.

If you have an appreciation for the finest cigars and spirits then Lancaster Cigar Bar offers world-class hospitality and unrivaled ambience where everyone is welcome to indulge.

The Way Premium Cigars Are Meant To Be Enjoyed!

Lancaster Cigar Bar has a state-of-the-art air ventilation system, ensuring guests a comfortable visit with constant air changing non stop for your enjoyment.


Monday-Thursday: 4PM-12AM

Friday: 12PM-1AM

Saturday: 12PM-1AM

Sunday: 12PM-12AM

Lancaster’s Finest Cigar Lounge